Pondicherry UDC Exam 2023 solved question paper

  1. The radius of the circle
    3x2 + by2 + 4bx – 6by + b2 = 0 is
    (A) 1
    (B) 3
    (D) √11
  1. If a, b, c are three non-coplanar unit vectors such that a x (b x c ) = b + c /√2 then the angle between a and b is
    (A)  𝝅 /2
    (B) 3𝝅 /4
    (C)  𝝅 /4
    (D)  𝝅 
  1. The minimum value of the function |3-x|+9 is
    (A) 0
    (B) 3
    (C) 6
    (D) 9
  1. The HCF of 20, 50 and 80 is
    (A) 20
    (B) 10
    (C) 50
    (D) 80
  1. If the ordered pairs (a + 2,4) and (5,2a+ b) are equal then (a, b) is
    (A) (2,-2)
    (B) (5,1)
    (C) (2,3)
    (D) (3,-2)
  1. If in ABC, DE||BC AB = 3.6 cm, AC =2.4 cm and AD =2.1 cm then the length of AE is
    (A) 1.4 cm
    (B) 1.8 cm
    (C) 1.2 cm
    (D) 1.05 cm
  1. The point of intersection of 3x- y = 4 and x +y = 8 is
    (A) (5,3)
    (B) (2,4)
    (C) (3,5)
    (D) (4,4)
  1. If sinθ =cosθ, then 2tan2θ + sin2θ – 1 is equal to
    (A) -3/2
    (B) 3/2
    (C) 2/3
    (D) -2/3
  1. The total surface area of a hemi-sphere is how much times the square of its radius
    (A) 𝝅
    (B) 4𝝅
    (C) 3𝝅
    (D) 2𝝅

100. If a and b are chosen randomly from set {1, 2, 3, 4} with replacement, then the probability of the real roots of equation
x2 + ax + b = 0 is
(A) 3/16
(B) 5/16
(C) 7/16
(D) 11/16

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