Pondicherry UDC Exam 2012 Question paper & Answer key

Pondicherry UDC Exam 2012 Question paper & Answer key

1. Match the following sites of Indus Valley civilization with their findings and select the correct answer from the options given
(i) Harappa         (a) Water reservoirs formed here may have been used to store water for agriculture
(ii) Chalhudaro  (b) Terracotta models of plough have been found here
(iii) Cholistan     (c) Almost exclusively devoted to craft production
(iv) Dholavira    (d) In the excavation made during mid 1980’s ornament  consisting three shell rings, a Jasper bead and hundreds of microbeads were found near the skull of a male
(A) (i) – d (ii) – a (iii) – b (iv) – c
(B) (i) – b (ii) – d (iii) – a (iv) – c
(C) (i) – d (ii) – c (iii) – b (iv) – a
(D) (i) – b (ii) – c (iii) – d (iv) – a

2. Which of the following is the busiest waterway in the world?
(A) Suez Canal Waterway
(B) North Pacific Waterway
(C) Panama Canal Waterway
(D) North Atlantic Waterway

3. Match the following rivers with the correct statements and select the answer from the options given.
(i) Kosi                 (a) Once known as the ‘Sorrow of Bengal’
(ii) Alaknanda    (b) Also known as the “Sorrow of Bihar”
(iii) Damodar     (c) Flows through the Rift Valley
(iv) Tapi            (d) Its tributary Mandakini is also called as Kali Ganga
(A) (i) – c (ii) – a (iii) – d (iv) – b
(B) (i) – b (ii) – d (iii) – a (iv) – c
(C) (i) – c (ii) – d (iii) – a (iv) – b
(D) (i) – b (ii) – a (iii) – d (iv) – c

4. The poison of a cobra affects which of the following first?
(A) Central nervous system
(B) Blood vessels and its linking
(C) Heart
(D) Brain

5. Pedology is the study of
(A) Soil
(B) Microbes
(C) Worms
(D) Fungus

6. Based on the amount of Yolk present the mammalian eggs are classified as one of the following type. Name it
(A) Microlecithal
(B) Mesolecithal
(C) Alecithal
(D) Macrolecithal

7. Excessive appetite leading to increased intake of food is known as
(A) Polyurea
(B) Polydipsia
(C) Polyphagia
(D) Polymorphia

8. Match the following alliviation programme of India with their aims.
(i) SJSRY               (a) Aims to generate wage employment for the poor unskilled people living in rural areas
(ii) SGSY                (b) Aims at creating employment opportunities both self employment and wage employment in urban areas
(iii) SGRY              (c) Aims at improving the food and nutritional status of the poor
(iv) ICDC              (d) The govt. provides partial financial assistance to Self Help Groups through banks
(A) (i) – d (ii) – b (iii) – a (iv) – c
(B) (i) – b (ii) – d (iii) – c (iv) – a
(C) (i) – d (ii) – c (iii) – b (iv) – a
(D) (i) – b (ii) – d (iii) – a (iv) – c

9. Which of the following statements are true with regard to Rashtriya Swasthya Bhima Yojna
(i) All employees of Public Sector and Private Sector establishments get these benefits
(ii) It is a Health Insurance Scheme
(iii) This scheme is for the benefit of unorganized workers
(iv) In India 7% of workers will get benefited
(A) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(B) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(C) (ii) and (iii)
(D) (i) and (iv)

10. Which of the following are true of the Keshava Nand Bharati case-Select the correct answer from the options given?
(i) Upheld the 24th Amendment of the constitution
(ii) Gave back the Parliament the right to amend any part of the constitution including fundamental rights
(iii) Held that the parliament does not have any right to amend the fundamental rights
(iv) Held that the parliament does not have the right to amend the basic structure of the constitution
(A) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(B) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(C) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(D) (i), (ii) and (iii)

11. The employees who are not included in the purview of the Administrative Tribunals include the following category.
(A) Employees of the Supreme Court and High courts
(B) Employees of the Secretariat of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(C) Armed forces personnels
(D) All the above category

12. Identify the statement which is not true of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India.
(A) CAG is not represented by any Ministry
(B) CAG’s expenses are charged under the Consolidated Fund of India
(C) After a CAG ceases to hold his office, he is eligible for further office only under Govt. of lndia
(D) The CAG Audits the accounts related to Consolidated Fund of India and Public Accounts of India In both Central and State level

13. Which test is used to predict dengue fever?
(A) Dick Test
(B) Widal Test
(C) Tourniquet Test
(D) Elisa Test

14. Who of the following is regarded as the Architect of Indian Planning?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis
(C) Amritya Sen
(D) Dhadabai Navarooji

15. Identify the correct match related to environment protection and select the correct answer from the options given below.
(i) Montreal protocol                         (a) Emphasises on protecting the future; the -present generation should bequeath a better environment to its future generation
(ii) Kyoto protocol                              (b) Banned the use of Chlorofloro carbon (CFC) compound and other ozone depleting chemical compounds known as halons
(iii) Brundtland commission             (c) Resulted in an International Agreement to fight global warming which called for reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases by industrialized nations.
(A) (i) – c (ii) – a (iii) – b
(B) (i) – b (ii) – c (iii) – a
(C) (i) – c (ii) – b (iii) – a
(D) (i) – b (ii) – a (iii) – c

16. Match the following with the words giving opposite meanmg and select the correct answer from the options.
(i) Enslave      (a) squander
(ii) Misfire      (b) emancipate
(iii) Hoard      (c) succeed
(A) (i) – b (ii) – c (iii) – a
(B) (i) – a (ii) – c (iii) – b
(C) (i) – c (ii) – b (iii) – a
(D) (i) – c (ii) – a (iii) – b

17. Find out which one of the following explanation correctly matches the word given below.
(A) Not moving or changing
(B) Paper and other writing materials
(C) A floor of a building
(D) A place where something IS located

18. Find out which one of the following explanation correctly matches the word given below:
(A) A member of an administrative or advisory body of people
(B) A garment worth around the neck
C) A small entrance
(D) A person who gives guidance on personal and psychological problem

19. Match the following and select the correct matching from the options given.
(i) Ramanujacharya              (a) Advaita
(ii) Sankara                            (b) Dvaitadvaita
(iii) Madhvacharya               (c) Visishtadvita
(iv)Nimbarka                        (d) Dvaita
(A) (i) – c (ii) – a (iii) – b (iv) – d
(B) (i) – b (ii) – d (iii) – c (iv) – a
(C) (i) – b (ii) – a (iii) – c (iv) – d
(D) (i) – c (ii) – a (iii) – d (iv) – b

20. Which one of the following is not correct?
(A) Alberuni wrote                 Kitab-ul-Hind
(B) Ibin Battutah wrote         Taj-Ul-Masajid
(C) Firdausi wrote                  Shah Namah
(D) Amir Khusru wrote        Tughlaq Namah

21. The correct sequence of the dynasties that ruled the Vijayanagar Empire may be selected.
(A) Saluva, Sangama, Tuluva, Araveedu
(B) Sangama, Tuluva, Saluva, Araveedu
(C) Sangama, Saluva, Tuluva, Araveedu
(D) Tuluva, Saluva, Sangama, Araveedu

22. Match the following and select the correct answer from the options.
(i) Stratosphere           (a) This layer reflects radiowaves transmitted from the earth back to the earth
(ii) Mesosphere            (b) This layer is above the troposphere
(iii) Ionosphere            (c) Hydrogen and Helium predominates in this region
(iv) Exosphere             (d) Extends upto 80km and temperature decreases with the height
(A) (i) – c (ii) – a (iii) – d (iv) – b
(B) (i) – b (ii) – d (iii) – a (iv) – c
(C) (i) – d (ii) – c (iii) – b (iv) – a
(D) (i) – b (ii) – d (iii) – c (iv) – a

23. Which of the following are natural polymers? Choose the correct answer from the options.
(i) Glyptal
(ii) Silk
(iii) Protein
(iv) Bakellite
(A) (i) and (ii) are correct
(B) (ii) and (iii) are correct
(C) (i) and (iii) are correct
(D) (iii) and (iv) are correct

24. The chemical formula of Marshals acid is
(A) H2S2O7
(B) H2SO3
(C) H2SO5
(D) H2S2O8

25. Which of the following is/are stable ?
(A) 2He3
(D) All are stable

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20 Responses to Pondicherry UDC Exam 2012 Question paper & Answer key

  1. Sangeetha M says:

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  2. I want udc model paper with key

  3. j.banupriya says:

    i want previous question paper of udc

  4. i want previous question of udc exam

  5. jothi says:

    Please give to win the exam

  6. jothi says:

    I want tips to win the exam

  7. jothi says:

    What is the cut of mark for udc exam

    • Ragul Rg says:

      total number of marks obtained divided by totel number of people attended the exams = cut off mark 🙂
      now calculate urself 😛

  8. Balaji says:

    Seems answer for Question 6 & Question 14 wrong.

    Kindly confirm sir.

  9. senthilkumar says:

    Mr balaji ,I Scored 39.75 OBC candidate,my name is in waiting list.If they re call me or not.

  10. Dhiviya says:

    Hello sir, I want previous 5 yes UDC question paper with answer

    • Eandhizhai says:

      Hi Dhiviya,
      Right now we have only 2012 & 2015 question papers for Pondicherry UDC Exam..
      It’s also not possible to get last 5 question papers.

  11. Hi sir When next UDC exam from pondicherry

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