Pondicherry LDC Exam 2023 solved question paper

31 Choose the incorrect pair:
(A) Trypsin – Pancreas
(B) Pepsin – stomach
(C) Ptyalin – mouth
(D) Chymosin – liver

32 A person with AB blood group is sometimes called a universal recipient because of the
(A) lack of antigen in his blood
(B) lack of antibodies in his blood
(C) lack of both antigens and antibodies in his blood
(D) presence of antibodies in his blood

33 Go by the book means
(A) To buy a book of one’s choice
(B) To understant the book
(C) To follow someone who reads the book
(D) To follow rules exactly

34 Rearrange the following sentence which is split into four parts P, Q, R and S and choose the correct answer
late sixties (p) / he still enjoys vigorous (Q) / he is in his (R) / health although (S)

35 Improve the underlined part of the following sentence grammatically
‘I told him clearly that he hadn’t ought to do that to me’.

(A) ought not done
(B) ought not to have done
(C) ought not has done
(D) hasn’t ought to do

36 He used to pray every day, believing that as long as he __ so, he would be safe.
(A) did
(B) will do
(C) does
(D) is doing

37 Choose the correct sentence
(A) It is a pleasure to see an alligator basking in the sunshine on a river bank as long as ninety feet
(B) It is a pleasure to see an alligator as long as ninety feet basking in the sunshine on a river bank
(C) It is a pleasure to see an alligator basking in the sunshine as long as ninety feet on a river bank
(D) It is a pleasure to see an alligator basking as long as ninety feet in the sunshine on a river bank

38 Choose the correct idiom to complete the following sentence:
When does the convocation ?
(A) come about
(B) come by
(C) come off
(D) come up

39 The plural form of commander-in-chief is
(A) Commanders-in-chief
(B) Commander-in-chiefs
(C) Commanders-in-chiefs
(D) None of the above

40 Match the following:
(1) One who is over anxious about his health (a) Fugitive
(2) One who pretends to be some body else (b) Epicure
(3) One who is for pleasure of eating and drinking (c) Impostor
(4) One who runs away from justice (d) Hypochondriac
(A) (1)-(d), (2)-(b), (3)-(a), (4)-(c)
(B) (1)-(c), (2)-(b), (3)-(a), (4)-(d)
(C) (1)-(d), (2)-(c), (3)-(b), (4)-(a)
(D) (1)-(b), (2)-(c), (3)-(d), (4)-(a)

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