UGC NET Computer Science Solved Paper -III June 2016

UGC NET Computer Science Solved Paper -III June 2016

1. Which of the following is a sequential circuit ?
(1) Multiplexer  (2) Decoder
(3) Counter        (4) Full adder

2. 8085 microprocessor has hardware interrupts.
(1) 2         (2) 3
(3) 4        (4) 5

3. Which of the following in 8085 microprocessor performs
HL = HL + DE ?
(1) DAD D           (2) DAD H
(3) DAD B           (4) DAD SP

4. The register that stores all interrupt requests is :
(1) Interrupt mask register           (2) Interrupt service register
(3) Interrupt request register       (4) Status register

5. The addressing mode is similar to register indirect addressing mode, except that an offset is added to the contents of the register. The offset and register are specified in the instruction.
(1) Base indexed                (2) Base indexed plus displacement
(3) Indexed                        (4) Displacement

6. In method, the word is written to the block in both the cache and main memory, in parallel.
(1) Write through                   (2) Write back
(3) Write protected                (4) Direct mapping

7. Which of the following statements concerning Object-Oriented databases is FALSE ?
(1) Objects in an object-oriented database contain not only data but also methods for processing the data.
(2) Object-oriented databases store computational instructions in the same place as the data.
(3) Object-oriented databases are more adapt at handling structured (analytical) data than relational databases.
(4) Object-oriented databases store more types of data than relational databases and access that data faster.

8. In distributed databases, location transparency allows for database users, programmers and administrators to treat the data as if it is at one location. A SQL query with location transparency needs to specify :
(1) Inheritances         (2) Fragments
(3) Locations              (4) Local formats

9. Consider the relations R(A, B) and S(B, C) and the following four relational algebra queries over R and S :
I. ΠA, B (R S)
III. R ∩ (ΠA(R) × ΠB(S))
IV. ΠA,R.B (R × S) where R⋅B refers to the column B in table R.
One can determine that :
(1) I, III and IV are the same query.             (2) II, III and IV are the same query.
(3) I, II and IV are the same query.              (4) I, II and III are the same query.

10. Which of the following statements is TRUE ?
D1 : The decomposition of the schema R(A, B, C) into R1(A, B) and R2 (A, C) is always lossless.
D2 : The decomposition of the schema R(A, B, C, D, E) having AD → B, C → DE, B → AE and AE → C, into          R1 (A, B, D) and R2 (A, C, D, E) is lossless.
(1) Both D1 and D2          (2) Neither D1 nor D2
(3) Only D1                       (4) Only D2

11. Consider the following ORACLE relations :
R (A, B, C) = {<1, 2, 3>, <1, 2, 0>, <1, 3, 1>, <6, 2, 3>, <1, 4, 2>, <3, 1, 4> }
S (B, C, D) = {<2, 3, 7>, <1, 4, 5>, <1, 2, 3>, <2, 3, 4>, <3, 1, 4>}.
Consider the following two SQL queries SQ1 and SQ2 :
If M is the number of tuples returned by SQ1 and N is the number of tuples returned by SQ2 then
(1) M = 4, N = 2              (2) M = 5, N = 3
(3) M = 2, N = 2             (4) M = 3, N = 3

12. Semi-join strategies are techniques for query processing in distributed database system.
Which of the following is a semi-join technique ?
(1) Only the joining attributes are sent from one site to another and then all of the rows are returned.
(2) All of the attributes are sent from one site to another and then only the required rows are returned.
(3) Only the joining attributes are sent from one site to another and then only the required rows are returned.
(4) All of the attributes are sent from one site to another and then only the required rows are returned.

13. Consider the Breshenham’s circle generation algorithm for plotting a circle with centre (0,0) and radius ‘r’ units in first quadrant. If the current point is (xi, yi) and decision parameter is pi then what will be the next point (xi + 1, yi + 1) and updated decision parameter pi + 1 for pi ≥ 0 ?
(1) xi + 1 = xi + 1                       (2) xi + 1 = xi + 1
yi + 1 = yi                                    yi + 1 = yi – 1
pi + 1 = pi + 4xi + 6                   pi + 1 = pi + 4 (xi – yi) + 10

(3) xi + 1 = xi                                (4) xi + 1 = xi – 1
yi + 1 = yi – 1                                yi + 1 = yi
pi + 1 = pi + 4 (xi – yi) + 6          pi + 1 = pi + 4xi + 10

14. A point P(5, 1) is rotated by 90° about a pivot point (2, 2). What is the coordinate of new transformed point P′ ?
(1) (3, 5)           (2) (5, 3)
(3) (2, 4)          (4) (1, 5)

15. Let R be the rectangular window against which the lines are to be clipped using 2D Sutherland-Cohen line clipping algorithm. The rectangular window has lower left-hand corner at (– 5, 1) and upper right-hand corner at (3, 7). Consider the following three lines for clipping with the given end point co-ordinates :
Line AB : A (– 6, 2) and B (–1, 8)
Line CD : C (– 1, 5) and D (4, 8)
Line EF : E (–2, 3) and F (1, 2)
Which of the following line(s) is/are candidate for clipping ?
(1) AB             (2) CD
(3) EF             (4) AB and CD

16. In perspective projection, if a line segment joining a point which lies in front of the viewer to a point in back of the viewer is projected to a broken line of infinite extent. This is known as _______.
(1) View confusion                   (2) Vanishing point
(3) Topological distortion       (4) Perspective foreshortening

17. Let us consider that the original point is (x, y) and new transformed point is (x′, y′). Further, Shx and Shy are shearing factors in x and y directions. If we perform they-direction shear relative to x = xref then the transformed point is given by _______.
(1) x′ = x + Shx ⋅ (y – yref)                         (2) x′ = x
y′ = y                                                              y′ = y ⋅ Shx
(3) x′ = x                                                        (4) x′ = Shy ⋅ y
      y′ = Shy (x – xref) + y                                 y′ = y ⋅ (x – xref)

18. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct with reference to curve generation ?
I. Hermite curves are generated using the concepts of interpolation.
II. Bezier curves are generated using the concepts of approximation.
III. The Bezier curve lies entirely within the convex hull of its control points.
IV. The degree of Bezier curve does not depend on the number of control points.
(1) I, II and IV only          (2) II and III only
(3) I and II only                (4) I, II and III only

19. Given the following statements :
(A) To implement Abstract Data Type, a programming language require a syntactic unit to encapsulate type definition.
(B) To implement ADT, a programming language requires some primitive operations that are built in the language processor.
(C) C++, Ada, Java 5.0, C#2005 provide support for parameterised ADT.
Which one of the following options is correct ?
(1) (A), (B) and (C) are false.
(2) (A) and (B) are true; (C) is false.
(3) (A) is true; (B) and (C) are false.
(4) (A), (B) and (C) are true.

20. Match the following types of variables with the corresponding programming languages :
(a) Static variables                 (i) Local variables in Pascal
(b) Stack dynamic                 (ii) All variables in APL
(c) Explicit heap dynamic     (iii) Fortran 77
(d) Implicit heap dynamic     (iv) All objects in JAVA
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(2) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(4) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

21. Which of the following is false regarding the evaluation of computer programming languages ?
(1) Application oriented features       (2) Efficiency and Readability
(3) Software development                  (4) Hardware maintenance cost

22. The symmetric difference of two sets S1 and S2 is defined as
S1 Θ S2 = {x|x ∈ S1 or x ∈ S2, but x is not in both S1 and S2}
The nor of two languages is defined as
nor (L1, L2) = {w|w ∈| L1 and w ∈| L2}.
Which of the following is correct ?
(1) The family of regular languages is closed under symmetric difference but not closed under nor.
(2) The family of regular languages is closed under nor but not closed under symmetric difference.
(3) The family of regular languages are closed under both symmetric difference and nor.
(4) The family of regular languages are not closed under both symmetric difference and nor.

23. The regular expression for the complement of the language L = {anbm|n ≥ 4, m ≤ 3} is :
(1) (λ + a + aa + aaa) b* + a* bbbb* + (a + b)* ba(a + b)*
(2) (λ + a + aa + aaa) b* + a* bbbbb* + (a + b)* ab(a + b)*
(3) (λ + a + aa + aaa) + a* bbbbb* + (a + b)* ab(a + b)*
(4) (λ + a + aa + aaa)b* + a* bbbbb* + (a + b)* ba(a + b)*

24. Consider the following two languages :
L1 = {0i1j| gcd (i, j) = 1}
L2 is any subset of 0*.
Which of the following is correct ?
(1) L1 is regular and L*2 is not regular
(2) L1 is not regular and L*2 is regular
(3) Both L1 and L*2 are regular languages
(4) Both L1 and L*2 are not regular languages

25. If link transmits 4000 frames per second and each slot has 8 bits, the transmission rate of circuit of this TDM is ______.
(1) 64 Kbps           (2) 32 MbpS
(3) 32 Kbps           (4) 64 MbpS

26. Given the following statements :
(A) Frequency Division Multiplexing is a technique that can be applied when the bandwidth of a link is greater than combined bandwidth of signals to be transmitted.
(B) Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is an analog multiplexing Technique to combine optical signals.
(C) WDM is a Digital Multiplexing Technique.
(D) TDM is a Digital Multiplexing Technique.
Which of the following is correct ?
(1) (A), (B), (C) and (D) are true.
(2) (A), (B), (C) and (D) are false.
(3) (A), (B) and (D) are false; (C) is true.
(4) (A), (B) and (D) are True; (C) is false.

27. A pure ALOHA Network transmits 200 bit frames using a shared channel with 200 Kbps bandwidth. If the system (all stations put together) produces 500 frames per second, then the throughput of the system is ______.
(1) 0.384           (2) 0.184
(3) 0.286           (4) 0.586

28. Match the following :
(a) Line coding                           (i) A technique to change analog signal to digital data.
(b) Block coding                        (ii) Provides synchronization without increasing number of bits.
(c) Scrambling                          (iii) Process of converting digital data to digital signal.
(d) Pulse code modulation      (iv) Provides redundancy to ensure synchronization and inherits error detection.
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(3) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

29. Assume that we need to download text documents at the rate of 100 pages per minute. A page is an average of 24 lines with 80 characters in each line and each character requires 8 bits. Then the required bit rate of the channel is _____.
(1) 1.636 Kbps         (2) 1.636 Mbps
(3) 3.272 Mbps        (4) 3.272 Kbps

30. Encrypt the plain text Message “EXTRANET” using Transposition cipher technique with the following key :

35214(Cipher text)
12345(Plain text)

Using ‘Z’ as bogus character.
(1) TAXERTZENZ              (2) EXTRANETZZ

31. The number of different binary trees with 6 nodes is ______.
(1) 6            (2) 42
(3) 132       (4) 256

32. Let A[1…n] be an array of n distinct numbers. If i < j and A[i] > A[j], then the pair (i, j) is called an inversion of A. What is the expected number of inversions in any permutation on n elements ?
(1) θ(n)             (2) θ(lgn)
(3) θ(nlgn)       (4) θ(n2)

33. Which one of the following array represents a binary max-heap ?
(1) [26, 13, 17, 14, 11, 9, 15]             (2) [26, 15, 14, 17, 11, 9, 13]
(3) [26, 15, 17, 14, 11, 9, 13]             (4) [26, 15, 13, 14, 11, 9, 17]

34. Match the following :
(a) Huffman codes                                        (i) O(n2)
(b) Optimal polygon triangulation             (ii) θ(n3)
(c) Activity selection problem                    (iii) O(nlgn)
(d) Quicksort                                                (iv) θ(n)
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(2) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
(3) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(4) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

35. Suppose that we have numbers between 1 and 1,000 in a binary search tree and want to search for the number 364. Which of the following sequences could not be the sequence of nodes examined ?
(1) 925, 221, 912, 245, 899, 259, 363, 364
(2) 3, 400, 388, 220, 267, 383, 382, 279, 364
(3) 926, 203, 912, 241, 913, 246, 364
(4) 3, 253, 402, 399, 331, 345, 398, 364

36. A triangulation of a polygon is a set of T chords that divide the polygon into disjoint triangles. Every triangulation of n-vertex convex polygon has _____ chords and divides the polygon into _____ triangles.
(1) n – 2, n – 1          (2) n – 3, n – 2
(3) n – 1, n                 (4) n – 2, n – 2

37. Implicit return type of a class constructor is :
(1) not of class type itself                (2) class type itself
(3) a destructor of class type         (4) a destructor not of class type

38. It is possible to define a class within a class termed as nested class. There are _____ types of nested classes.
(1) 2         (2) 3
(3) 4         (4) 5

39. Which of the following statements is correct ?
(1) Aggregation is a strong type of association between two classes with full ownership.
(2) Aggregation is a strong type of association between two classes with partial ownership.
(3) Aggregation is a weak type of association between two classes with partial ownership.
(4) Aggregation is a weak type of association between two classes with full ownership.

40. Which of the following statements is correct ?
(1) Every class containing abstract method must not be declared abstract.
(2) Abstract class cannot be directly initiated with ‘new’ operator.
(3) Abstract class cannot be initiated.
(4) Abstract class contains definition of implementation.

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