UGC NET Computer Science Solved Paper II Jan 2017

UGC NET Computer Science Solved Paper II Jan 2017

1. Consider a sequence F00 defined as :

Then what shall be the set of values of the sequence F00 ?
(1) (1, 110, 1200)                                            (2) (1, 110, 600, 1200)
(3) (1, 2, 55, 110, 600, 1200)                       (4) (1, 55, 110, 600, 1200)

2. Match the following :
List – I                      List – II
a. Absurd             i. Clearly impossible being contrary to some evident truth.
b. Ambiguous     ii. Capable of more than one interpretation or meaning.
c. Axiom             iii. An assertion that is accepted and used without a proof.
d. Conjecture    iv. An opinion preferably based on some experience or wisdom.
Codes :
a b c d
(1) i ii iii iv
(2) i iii iv ii
(3) ii iii iv i
(4) ii i iii iv

3. The functions mapping R into R are defined as :

Then find the value of the following composite functions :
hog(x) and hogof(x)
(1) (x2 + 1)4 and [(x3 – 4x)2 + 1]4
(2) (x2 + 1)4 and [(x3 – 4x)2 + 1]-4
(3) (x2 + 1)-4 and [(x3 – 4x)2 + 1]4
(4) (x2 + 1)-4 and [(x3 – 4x)2 + 1]-4

4. How many multiples of 6 are there between the following pairs of numbers ?
0 and 100 and –6 and 34
(1) 16 and 6         (2) 17 and 6
(3) 17 and 7         (4) 16 and 7

5. Consider a Hamiltonian Graph G with no loops or parallel edges and with |V(G)| = n ≥ 3. Then which of the following is true ?
(1)   deg(v) ≥ n/2 for each vertex v.
(2) |E(G)| ≥1/2(n-1) (n – 1) (n – 2) + 2
(3) deg (v) + deg(w) ≥ n whenever v and w are not connected by an edge.
(4) All of the above

6. In propositional logic if (P → Q)  ∧ (R → S) and (P R) are two premises such that

Y is the premise :
(1) P R                 (2) P S               (3) Q R              (4) Q S

7. ECL is the fastest of all logic families. High speed in ECL is possible because transistors are used in difference amplifier configuration, in which they are never driven into ____.
(1) Race condition                (2) Saturation
(3) Delay                               (4) High impedance

8. A binary 3-bit down counter uses J-K flip-flops, FFi with inputs Ji, Ki and outputs Qi, i = 0, 1, 2 respectively. The minimized expression for the input from following, is

(1) I, III, V                      (2) I, IV, VI
(3) II, III, V                    (4) II, IV, VI

9. Convert the octal number 0.4051 into its equivalent decimal number.
(1) 0.5100098                    (2) 0.2096                     (3) 0.52                               (4) 0.4192

10. The hexadecimal equivalent of the octal number 2357 is :
(1) 2EE            (2) 2FF          (3) 4EF              (4) 4FE

11. Which of the following cannot be passed to a function in C++ ?
(1) Constant                (2) Structure                   (3) Array                      (4) Header file

12. Which one of the following is correct for overloaded functions in C++ ?
(1) Compiler sets up a separate function for every definition of function.
(2) Compiler does not set up a separate function for every definition of function.
(3) Overloaded functions cannot handle different types of objects.
(4) Overloaded functions cannot have same number of arguments.

13. Which of the following storage classes have global visibility in C/C++ ?
(1) Auto                  (2) Extern               (3) Static                (4) Register

14. Which of the following operators cannot be overloaded in C/C++ ?
(1) Bitwise right shift assignment
(2) Address of
(3) Indirection
(4) Structure reference

15. If X is a binary number which is power of 2, then the value of         X & (X – 1) is :
(1) 11….11             (2) 00…..00             (3) 100…..0               (4) 000……1

16. An attribute A of datatype varchar (20) has value ‘Ram’ and the attribute B of datatype char (20) has value ‘Sita’ in oracle. The attribute A has _______ memory spaces and B has _______ memory spaces.
(1) 20, 20                       (2) 3, 20                    (3) 3, 4                   (4) 20, 4

17. Integrity constraints ensure that changes made to the database by authorized users do not result into loss of data consistency. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) true w.r.t. the examples of integrity constraints ?
(A) An instructor Id. No. cannot be null, provided Instructor Id No. being primary key.
(B) No two citizens have same Adhar-Id.
(C) Budget of a company must be zero.
(1) (A), (B) and (C) are true.
(2) (A) false, (B) and (C) are true.
(3) (A) and (B) are true; (C) false.
(4) (A), (B) and (C) are false.

18. Let M and N be two entities in an E-R diagram with simple single value attributes. R1 and R2 are two relationship between M and N, where as R1 is one-to-many and R2 is many-to-many. The minimum number of tables required to represent M, N, R1 and R2 in the relational model are _______.
(1) 4                   (2) 6                 (3) 7                     (4) 3

19. Consider a schema R(MNPQ) and functional dependencies M → N, P → Q. Then the decomposition of R into R1(MN) and R2(PQ) is ________.
(1) Dependency preserving but not lossless join
(2) Dependency preserving and lossless join
(3) Lossless join but not dependency preserving
(4) Neither dependency preserving nor lossless join.

20. The order of a leaf node in a B+ tree is the maximum number of children it can have. Suppose that block size is 1 kilobytes, the child pointer takes 7 bytes long and search field value takes 14 bytes long. The order of the leaf node is ________.
(1) 16                    (2) 63                 (3) 64                     (4) 65
Note: Correct answer is approx 48

21. Which of the following is true for computation time in insertion, deletion and finding maximum and minimum element in a sorted array ?
(1) Insertion – 0(1), Deletion – 0(1), Maximum – 0(1), Minimum – 0(l)
(2) Insertion – 0(1), Deletion – 0(1), Maximum – 0(n), Minimum – 0(n)
(3) Insertion – 0(n), Deletion – 0(n), Maximum – 0(1), Minimum – 0(1)
(4) Insertion – 0(n), Deletion – 0(n), Maximum – 0(n), Minimum – 0(n)

22. The seven elements A, B, C, D, E, F and G are pushed onto a stack in reverse order, i.e., starting from G. The stack is popped five times and each element is inserted into a queue. Two elements are deleted from the queue and pushed back onto the stack. Now, one element is popped from the stack. The popped item is ________.
(1) A               (2) B                      (3) F                            (4) G

23. Which of the following is a valid heap ?

(1) A               (2) B                (3) C                     (4) D

24. If h is chosen from a universal collection of hash functions and is used to hash n keys into a table of size m, where n ≤ m, the expected number of collisions involving a particular key x is less than _______.
(1) 1                     (2) 1/n               (3) 1/m                   (4) n/m

25. Which of the following statements is false ?
(A) Optimal binary search tree construction can be performed efficiently using dynamic programming.
(B) Breadth-first search cannot be used to find connected components of a graph.
(C) Given the prefix and postfix walks of a binary tree, the tree cannot be re-constructed uniquely.
(D) Depth-first-search can be used to find the connected components of a graph.
(1) A               (2) B                  (3) C                (4) D

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