UGC NET Computer Science Solved Paper -II Dec2015

26. A virtual memory has a page size of IK words. There are eight pages and four blocks. The associative memory page table contains the following entries :


Which of the following list of virtual addresses (in decimal) will not cause any page fault if referenced by the CPU?
(1)     1024, 3072, 4096, 6144    (2)     1234, 4012, 5000, 6200
(3)     1020, 3012, 6120, 8100    (4)     2021, 4050, 5112, 7100

27. Suppose that the number of instructions executed between page fault is directly proportional to the number of page frames allocated to a program. If the available memory is doubled, the mean interval between page faults is also doubled. Further, consider that a normal instruction takes one microsecond, but if a page fault occurs, it takes 2001 microseconds. If a program takes 60 sec to run, during which time it gets 15,000 page faults, how long would it take to run if twice as much memory were available ?
(1)     60 sec    (2)     30 sec    (3)     45 sec    (4)     10 sec

28. Consider a disk with 16384 bytes per track having a rotation time of 16 msec and average seek time of 40 msec. What is the time in msec to read a block of 1024 bytes from this disk?
(1)     57 msec    (2)     49 msec    (3)     48 msec    (4)     17 msec

29.    A system has four processes and five allocatable resources. The current allocation and maximum needs are as follows:
Allocated       Maximum          Available
ProcessA            10211                11213              00×11
ProcessB             20110              22210
ProcessC             11010              21310
ProcessD             11110              11221
The smallest value of x for which the above system in safe state is
(1)     1                            (2)    3                            (3)     2                            (4)     0

30.    In Unix, the login prompt can be changed by changing the contents of the file
(1)     contrab    (2)     init    (3)     gettydefs    (4)     inittab

31.    A data cube C, has n dimensions, and each dimension has exactly p distinct values in the base cuboid. Assume that there are no concept hierarchies associated with the dimensions. What is the maximum number of cells possible in the data cube, C ?
(1)    pn     (2)     p    (3)     (2n-1)+1        (4)     (p+1)n

32.    Suppose that from given statistics, it is known that meningitis causes stiff neck 50% of the time, that the proportion of persons having meningitis is 1/50000, and that the proportion of people having stiff neck is 1/20.   Then the percentage of people who had meningitis and complain about stiff neck is:
(1)     0.01%    (2)     0.02%    (3)     0.04%    (4)     0.05%

33. _________system is market oriented and is used for data analysis by knowledge workers including Managers, Executives and Analysts.
(1)     OLTP    (2)     OLAP    (3)     Data System       (4)     Market System

34.  _________allows selection of the relevant information necessary for the data warehouse.
(1)     The Top-Down View    (2)     Data Warehouse View
(3)     Datasource View           (4)     Business Query View

35.    The hash function used in double hashing is of the form :
(1)     h (k, i) = (h1(k) + h2(k)+i)  mod m          (2)     h (k, i) = (h1(k) + h2(k)-i)  mod m
(3)     h (k, i) = (h1(k) + i h2(k))  mod m           (4)     h (k, i) = (h1(k) – i h2(k))  mod m

36.    In the following graph, discovery time stamps and finishing time stamps of Depth First Search (DFS) are shown as x/y, where x is discovery time stamp and y is finishing time stamp.

It shows which of the following depth first forest ?
(1)     {a, b, e} {c, d, f, g, h}         (2)     {a,b,e}{c,d,h}{f,g}
(3)     {a, b, e} {f, g} {c, d} {h}    (4)     {a, b, c, d} {e, f, g} {h}

37.    The number of disk pages access in B – tree search, where h is height, n is the number of keys,  and t is the minimum degree, is:
(1)  θ(logn h*t)       (2)  θ(logt n*h)         (3)  θ(logh n)       (4)     θ (logt n)

38.    The inorder traversal of the following tree is :(1)     2    3        4      6    7      13    15   17   18   18   20
(2)    20    18    18    17   15    13    7     6     4      3    2
(3)    15    13    20    4    7       17    18    2     3     6    18
(4)    2      4       3     13    7       6    15    17    20  18   18

39.    An ideal sort is an in-place-sort whose additional space requirement is_______.
(1)   O(log2n)      (2)  O(nlog2n)           (3)  O (1)           (4)  O (n)

40.    Which of the following is not a congestion policy at network layer ?
(1)    Flow Control Policy
(2)    Packet Discard Policy
(3)    Packet Lifetime Management Policy
(4)    Routing Algorithm

41.    Loop unrolling is a code optimization technique :
(1)    that avoids tests at every iteration of the loop.
(2)    that improves performance by decreasing the number of instructions in a basic block.
(3)    that exchanges inner loops with outer loops.
(4)    that reorders operations to allow multiple computations to happen in parallel.

42.    What will be the hexadecimal value in the register ax (32-bit) after executing the following
instructions ?
mov   al, 15
mov  ah, 15
xor    al, al
mov  cl,3
shr   ax, cl
Codes :
(1)     0F00 h    (2)     0F0F h     (3)     01E0 h    (4)     FFFF h

43.    Which of the following statements is false ?
(1)    Top-down parsers are LL parsers where first L stands for left – to – right scan and second L stands for a leftmost derivation.
(2)    (000)* is a regular expression that matches only strings containing an odd number of zeroes, including the empty string.
(3)    Bottom-up parsers are in the LR family, where L stands for left – to – right scan and R stands for rightmost derivation.
(4)    The class of context – free languages is closed under reversal.   That is, if L is any context – free language, then the language LR = {wR: w∈L} is context – free.

44.    System calls are usually invoked by using :
(1)     A privileged instruction    (2)     An indirect jump
(3)     A software interrupt         (4)     Polling

45.    The transfers the executable image of a C++ program from hard disk to main memory.
(1)     Compiler    (2)     Linker    (3)     Debugger    (4)     Loader

46.    In software testing, how the error, fault and failure are related to each other ?
(1)    Error leads to failure but fault is not related to error and failure.
(2)    Fault leads to failure but error is not related to fault and failure.
(3)    Error leads to fault and fault leads to failure.
(4)    Fault leads to error and error leads to failure.

47.    Which of the following is not a software process model ?
(1)     Prototyping    (2)     Iterative    (3)     Timeboxing    (4)     Glassboxing

48.    How many solutions are there for the equation x + y + z + u = 29 subject to the constraints that x≥1, y≥2, z≥3 and u≥0 ?
(1)     4960    (2)     2600    (3)     23751    (4)     8855

49.    A unix file system has 1-KB blocks and 4-byte disk addresses. What is the maximum file size if i-nodes contain 10 direct entries and one single, double and triple indirect entry each ?
(1)     32 GB    (2)     64 GB    (3)     16 GB    (4)     1GB

50.  _______uses electronic means to transfer funds directly from one account to another rather than by cheque or cash.
(1)     M-Banking    (2)     E-Banking    (3)     O-Banking    (4)     C-Banking

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